The Society reserve Some Terms & Conditions.
- The Society reserve all rights to accepts or reject the application.
- No reasons shall be given for any application rejected by the Society.
- Every new member is entitled to receive the Society's Bulletin (SOS Times) of the Society free.
- Every new member will initially be admitted provisionally and shall be deemed to have become a full member only after formal ratification by the General Body and issue of Ratification order by the Society. Only then he or she will be eligible to vote, or apply for any Fellowship / Award, propose or contest for any election of the Society.
- To be proposed and seconded by Ratified Life Member only. No application form will be accepted unless it is complete in all respects. Proposed and Seconded by existing Member of the Sambalpur Ophthalmological Society.
- Photo ID Card will be issued only after the membership is ratified by the General Body.
- Resident doctors must submit Sambalpur address proof with validity after completion of their residency failing which they will be treated as non-Sambalpur members